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Informative Videos

Introduction to UMMC-MREC

This ethics committee (or institutional review board) is an independent body of medical/scientific professionals and non-medical/non-scientific members that reviews, approves and provides continuing review of human research/trial protocols and amendments, and of the methods and materials to be used in obtaining and documenting consent of the human research subjects.

Explaining Randomization in Clinical Trial

This video explains the concept of randomization in research studies and what potential participants need to know when volunteering for a study with a randomized design.

Credit: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Informed Consent- What to Expect?

This video provides basic information about informed consent and what information you’ll get to help you decide whether to volunteer for a research study. This may help researchers to have more insights to have a thorough Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form.

Credit: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

What do Research Ethics Committees review?

This video explains the main points that research ethics committees consider during their ethics reviews.

Credit: PAHO TV

UMMC-Medical Research Ethics Committee

Tel. +603 7949 3209 / 2251 / 8473 / 4656

3rd floor, Menara Utama, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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