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Seminar/Workshop Series

Leading academics and research experts lecture on vital issues in the field of medical/health research ethics. Seminars or workshops held periodically, are open to the public.

Past seminars and workshops are video recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.

With the growing numbers of stem cell research and therapy in Malaysia, it is timely that this webinar is held to hear out experts in the field with the aim to share information as well as to engage with researchers, ethics committee and all relevant stakeholders to participate in this conversation to discuss the ethical and legal aspects surrounding this field.


Note: The answers provided during the Q&A session represents the best judgment at that time and does not bind or otherwise obligate or commit the agency to the views expressed.


Ethical & Regulatory Aspects in Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Speakers & Panelist:

Professor Dr. Tunku Kamarul Zaman

Professor Datuk Dr. A. Rahman A. Jamal

Dr. Zaril Harza bin Zakaria

Dr. Evelyn Loh Yun Xi

Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Bin Abdul Aziz 



Distinguished Professor Datuk Dr. Looi Lai Meng



Dr. Phang Kean Chang


Who Is Paying for Your Research?

Reimbursement or compensation of research subjects can present several ethical dilemmas: How much money or in-kind compensation is adequate but does not entail due to influence? When a study is unfunded, is it appropriate for the subjects to pay their own pocket because the study protocol deemed as routine procedures? Tune into Dr. Alex Phang and Ms. Grazele Jenarun, who will discuss this longstanding practice that remains the source of substantial debate in the health research setting as well as highlight the ethical practice in this regard.

Speakers & Panelist:

Dr. Phang Kean Chang

Ms. Grazele Jenarun



Associate Professor Dr Nik Sherina Haidi Hanafi




What other topics you would like the UMMC-MREC to organise?

We are delighted to hear from you. Please email us at

UMMC-Medical Research Ethics Committee

Tel. +603 7949 3209 / 2251 / 8473 / 4656

3rd floor, Menara Utama, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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